Microsoft Excel 2003 Xml Schema Editor


XML and Excel XML in Excel. Let's get a bit more practical and use Excel to do something with XML files. With Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 importing XML data is very simple. Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2, and Windows Server 2003 R2 retired content. The content you requested has already retired. It's available to. If you want to create an XML data file and XML schema file from a cell range on a worksheet, you can use version 1.1 of the Excel 2003 XML Tools Add-in to enhance the. News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Chimaera is a software system that supports users in creating and maintaining distributed ontologies on the web. Two major functions it supports are merging. DTM Schema Reporter, database structure reporting tool: HTML, DOC/RTF, PDF, XML, text, Excel and CHM output.

Microsoft Excel 2003 Xml Schema Editor

Database schema - Atlassian Developers. On this page: About the JIRA database schema. The PDFs below show the database schema for JIRA 6. EAP 3 (m. 03) and JIRA 5. The database schema is also described in WEB- INF/classes/entitydefs/entitymodel. JIRA web application.

Download a free trial of Stylus Studio, the world's leading XML development tool including an XML editor, XSLT Editor, XSLT Debugger, XML Schema Editor, XQuery Editor. Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6 offers server-safe components and improve previous versions of MSXML. The Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 release.

The entitymodel. xml file has an XML definition of all JIRA's database tables, table columns and their data type. Some of the relationships between tables also appear in the file. Generating JIRA database schema information. To generate schema information for the JIRA database, e. You can generate schema information in pdf, txt and dot formats.

Note, if you want to generate the schema in PDF format, you need to have Graphviz installed. Download the attached plugin. For JIRA 5:  jira- schema- diagram- generator- plugin- 1. For JIRA 6: jira- schema- diagram- generator- plugin- 1. Spinto Band Crack The Whip Golf.

For JIRA 7: jira- schema- diagram- generator- plugin- 1. Install the plugin in your JIRA instance by following the instructions on Managing JIRA's Plugins. Go to the JIRA administration console and navigate to System > Troubleshooting and Support > Generate Schema Diagram. Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing generate. Enter the tables/columns to omit from the generated schema information, if desired. If you want to generate a pdf, enter the path to the Graphviz executable.

Click Generate Schema. The 'Database Schema' page will be displayed with links to the schema file in txt, dot and pdf format. Entity Engine and working with the JIRA database. JIRA uses Entity Engine module of the Of.

Biz suite to communicate with the database. You can learn more about the Entity Engine by reading its online documentation. If you are using JIRA's API you will notice that a lot of code deals with Generic. Value objects. The Generic. Value is an Of. Biz entity engine object.

Each Generic. Value object represents a record in the database. To get a value of a field from a Generic. Value you will need to use the relevant getter method for the field's type. For example: Generic. Value project = ..

For the above example, one needs to look at the . Instead, we recommend adding or modifying data via. JIRA's REST APIs.

JIRA RPC Services or. Jelly Tags. Check out the. Command Line Interface and. Python CLI for existing remote scripting tools. If you absolutely must modify data in your database via direct database queries, always.

These are SQL examples that can be run against the JIRA schema. Relationships between tables. Some of the relationships between JIRA's tables in the database are documented below: Issue Fields. This page shows how to examine each of a JIRA issue's fields via SQL. We will use. JRA- 3. This query prints all links in the system with their type: mysql> select j. INWARD, j. 2. pkey from jiraissue j.

SOURCE and j. 2. id=issuelink. DESTINATION and issuelinktype. For details, see Database - Custom fields. Custom fields. Custom fields defined in the system are stored in the. Since this table must store a value for any custom field type (cascading selects, multi- selects, etc) the value is encoded as XML.

If we were to set a default value of . This is set up by clicking 'Configure' in the custom field definition. For instance, in this screenshot the . If the scheme isn't restricted to any projects or issue types, the project and issuetype columns of the respective tables should be NULL. Notes: JIRA has/had a bug where it didn't leave an entry when deleting an issue type (JRA- 1. This bug was resolved in JIRA 3.

Change History. Change History Database Tables. JIRA stores the Change History records of each issue in the changegroup and changeitem tables. Each change to the issue triggered by a user inserts one record into the changegroup table. Each changegroup table record describes which issue it refers to, the time of the change and the user who has performed the change (null for a non- logged in user). Each changeitem record describes the issue field that has been updated and its old and new values. The OLDVALUE column records the id of the changed enity (e.

The NEWVALUE and NEWSTRING columns are similar in nature. To do this please first insert a record into the changegroup table with a valid issue id: insert into changegroup values (2. The issues are stored in the jiraissue table: mysql> select id, pkey from jiraissue. So you might have: mysql> select max(ID) from jiraaction. Set the relevant rows' SEQ. You will then need to restart JIRA to ensure all database caches are reset.

If you want to insert records into Active Object (AO) tables, as used by many JIRA add- ons, then SEQUENCE. Instead AO provides . Different databases support this feature in different ways (My. SQL has the feature, Oracle 1. Retrieving Change History using JIRA's APIThe best way to retrieve change history entries is: action. Manager. get. Change. History(get. Issue(), authentication.

Context. get. User()). You can declare dependency on Jira. Authentication. Context and Action. Manager in the constructor of your plugin as described in Pico. Container and JIRA.

The get. Change. History method returns Change. History objects on which you can call the get.

Change. Items() method. This returns a List of Generic. Value objects, each one representing an issue field update. To check the field that was updated do: String field.

Name = change. Item. String(. For instance, some worklogs in JIRA (from JRA- 1. Implemented method to calculate number of active users + tests.

Implemented a method to check if the user limit of the license has been exceeded. Added new license types. Integrate new license types in JIRA. Whenever a worklog entry is added, the jiraissue. Users and Groups. Changed: JIRA 4. 3 and higher uses .

It will be useful for people who wish to insert issues into the database manually, or diagnose/fix corrupted databases. Then in version 2. An issue's workflow step is stored in new tables, referenced from jiraissue by the workflow. The only field really used is STEP. This references a step definition in the workflow: < step id=.