General Biology Lab Manual 1407 Echo

SECTION 2: THE BIOMEDICAL BASIS OF ME/CFS. Despite the absence of a definitive test, ME/CFS is clinically recognisable: “Once one is familiar with the concept of. Current File (2) 2014/10/28 2014/11/12 John Wiley & Sons Information Technology & Software Development Adobe Creative Team. Adobe Press Digital Media.
The Lived Experience of Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)ME/CFS(WHO ICD- 1. G9. 3. 3)BIOMEDICAL EVIDENCE SUMMARIESProfessor Malcolm Hooper. February 2. 01. 0Extracts from: MAGICAL MEDICINE: HOW TO MAKE A DISEASE DISAPPEAR – Background to, consideration of, and quotations from the Manuals for the Medical Research Council’s PACE Trial of behavioural interventions for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, together with evidence that such interventions are unlikely to be effective and may even be contra- indicatedhttp: //www. Professor Malcolm Hooper; with contributions from members of the ME Community; Researched by Margaret Williams; February 2. Contact details: Malcolm Hooper Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Department of Life Sciences University of Sunderland SR2 7. EE, UK. malcolm. hooper@virgin. ME/CFS is a psychological illness is the error of our time”.
It’s not an illness that people can simply imagine that they have and its not a psychological illness. In my view, that debate, which has waged for 2. Professor Anthony Komaroff, Harvard Medical School, CDC press conference, 3 November 2. I hope you are not saying that (ME)CFS patients are not as ill as HIV patients. Malcolm Hooper’s submission to UK Parliamentary Inquiry, 2. ME/CFS Society of Western Australia.
Facts: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) has been classified as a disorder of the central nervous system since 1. World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases) WHO ICD 1. G 9. 3. 3. The renaming of ME to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in 1.
ME/CFS is characterized by neurological, immunological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal features – severe forms can present with paresis, seizures, intractable savage headaches and life threatening complications. Amorphous definitions and diagnostic symptom criteria have contaminated study cohorts and corrupted research data 2- 1. Adelaide ME/CFS Research Forum unanimously endorsed the adoption of the acclaimed 2. Canadian Clinical Criteria. ME/CFS may include clinical syndromes linked to infectious agents and toxic exposures 1. Simon Wessely believes that it is the same as neurasthenia: “Neurasthenia would readily suffice for ME” (Lancet 1.
J Psychosom Res 1. The Wessely School believes that there are no physical signs of disease and assert that there is no pathology causing the patients’ symptoms, simply that patients are “hypervigilant” to “normal bodily sensations” (see below). Seemingly because of the Wessely School’s beliefs, children with ME/CFS have been diagnosed as having “pervasive refusal syndrome” and many have been forcibly removed from their distraught parents (see below), who themselves have been labelled as having Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, a damaging label that is never deleted from their medical records.
Whilst Wessely School psychiatrists continue to believe and teach (and advise Government agencies) that “CFS/ME” is a behavioural disorder that must be managed by behavioural interventions and incremental aerobic exercise (and which two of the PIs assert can be “cured” by those interventions), in reality true ME/CFS affects every system in the body and many physiological abnormalities have been documented. At the Press Briefing held on 3rd November 2. US Centres for Disease Control to announce its ME/CFS awareness campaign, two eminent professors who specialise in ME/CFS spoke on public record about the nature of ME/CFS. Nancy Klimas, Professor of Medicine and Immunology at the University of Miami (who at the time was President of the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an organisation of medical professionals and research scientists), said: “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.
Over the past 2. 0 years, I’ve treated more than 2,0. ME)CFS patients. Referenced illustrations from the medical literature are provided in Section 2, but an introductory overview of documented abnormalities in ME/CFS include the following: abnormalities of the central nervous system include abnormalities of brain cognition, brain perfusion, brain metabolism and brain chemistry; there is evidence of low blood flow in multiple areas of the brain; neuro- imaging has revealed lesions in the brain of approximately 8. SPECT scans provide objective evidence of central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction; there is evidence of a chronic inflammatory process of the CNS, with oedema or demyelination in 7. Brodmann’s area 9) which is related to physical impairment and may indicate major trauma to the brain (which could also explain the low recovery rate); there is evidence of seizures; a positive Romberg is frequently seen in authentic ME/CFS patientsabnormalities of the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems: there is evidence of dysautonomia in ME/CFS patients cardiovascular dysfunction: there is evidence of haemodynamic instability and aberrations of cardiovascular reactivity (an expression of autonomic function); there is evidence of diastolic cardiomyopathy; there is evidence of endothelial dysfunction; there is evidence of peripheral vascular dysfunction with low oxygenation levels and poor perfusion and pulsatilities; there is evidence of abnormal heart rate variability and evidence of abnormal orthostasis; there is evidence of abnormally inverted T- waves and of a shortened QT interval, with electrophysiological aberrancy; there is evidence of abnormal oscillating T- waves and of abnormal cardiac wall motion (at rest and on stress); there are indications of dilatation of the left ventricle and of segmental wall motion abnormalities; there is evidence that the left ventricle ejection fraction – at rest and with exercise – is as low as 3. NK cell cytotoxicity; there is evidence of low levels of autoantibodies (especially antinuclear and smooth muscle); there is evidence of abnormalities of immunoglobulins, especially s. Ig. A and Ig. G3, (the latter having a known linkage with gastrointestinal tract disorders); there is evidence of circulating immune complexes; there is evidence of a Th.
Th. 2 cytokine shift; there is evidence of abnormally diminished levels of intracellular perforin; there is evidence of abnormal levels of interferons and interleukins; there is evidence of increased white blood cell apoptosis, and there is evidence of the indisputable existence of allergies and hypersensitivities and positive mast cells, among many other anomalies, with an adverse reaction to pharmacological substances being virtually pathognomonic virological abnormalities: there is evidence of persistent enterovirus RNA in ME/CFS patients; there is evidence of abnormalities in the 2- 5 synthetase / RNase L antiviral pathway, with novel evidence of a 3. Da binding protein not reported in healthy subjects or in other diseases; there is evidence of reverse transcriptase, an enzyme produced by retrovirus activity, with retroviruses being the most powerful producers of interferon; there is evidence of the presence of HHV- 6, HHV- 8, EBV, CMV, Mycoplasma species, Chlamydia species and Coxsackie virus in the spinal fluid of some ME/CFS patients, the authors commenting that it was surprising to find such a high yield of infectious agents on cell free specimens of spinal fluid that had not been centrifuged; recently a direct link between a gammaretrovirus (XMRV, which is the same family as the AIDS virus) and ME/CFS has been demonstrated.
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