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- There’s no shortage of things to be mad about in late capitalism. Pretty high on the list, though, is the Eat, Pray, Love brand of pseudoscience promoted by Gwyneth.
- By Dustin Stewart Best Defense guest columnist. Is the Army’s Digital Training Management System (DTMS) more of a hindrance on the force than a benefit?
Welcome to MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking, the world's leader in Combat Arms Hacks, Crossfire Hacks, WarRock Hacks, SoldierFront Hacks, Project Blackout Hacks. You have not yet voted on this site! If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Includes downloads, cheats, reviews, and articles. Welcome to Even Balance, Inc., home of the PunkBuster anti-cheat system. The rickroll stunt was just one hack at the security conference DEF CON, which ran a three-day Voting Machine Hacking Village to test the security of various machines.
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Texarkana Gazette.