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About the ACT Test . Test scores reflect what students have learned throughout high school and provide colleges and universities with excellent information for recruiting, advising, placement, and retention.
Many times, students who are not considering higher education rethink their plans when they see their ACT test results. This is especially true for underrepresented students.
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To support college and career planning, the ACT also offers a career exploration component to help students identify career options. Did You Know? More than 2. ACT. The ACT is the leading college admissions test in the United States, with more students taking the test every year. ACT test scores are accepted by all four- year US colleges and universities, including highly selective institutions. The ACT is not an aptitude or an IQ test. Questions are directly related to what students have learned in high school courses. The ACT is administered on six national and five international test dates each year, plus additional state and district testing dates. How To Install Printer On Linux Network Interfaces on this page.
The ACT is approved for use in state models for federal and state accountability. The ACT College and Career Readiness Standards are the backbone of ACT assessments. The standards are empirically derived descriptions of the essential skills and knowledge students need to become ready for college and career, giving clear meaning to test scores and serving as a link between what students have learned and what they are ready to learn next.
When students take the ACT test, high school educators and counselors receive valuable information for guidance and curriculum development. K- 1. 2 professionals use ACT reports to. Guide students toward college and career readiness. Assist students with college and career planning. Evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Plan changes and improvements in curriculum.
The ACT Test User Handbook for Educators offers the most comprehensive information for K- 1. ACT Test. In addition to detailed information about updates to the test, accommodations, and reports, the handbook offers helpful tips about. Preparing for and Taking the ACTACT Reports and Services. Uses of ACT Data. Looking for information to help a student?
These tests are designed to measure skills that are most important for success in postsecondary education and that are acquired in secondary education. The score range for each of the four multiple- choice tests is 1–3. The Composite score is the average of the four test scores rounded to the nearest whole number. The ACT English test measures understanding of the conventions of standard English, production of writing, and knowledge of language. The ACT mathematics test assesses the skills students typically acquire in courses taken through grade 1.
The test questions require the use of reasoning skills to solve practical problems in mathematics. Knowledge of basic formulas and computational skills are assumed, but recall of complex formulas and extensive computation is not required. The ACT reading test measures reading comprehension. The questions require the use of referring and reasoning skills to determine main ideas; locate and interpret significant details; understand sequences of events; make comparisons; comprehend cause- effect relationships; determine the meaning of context- dependent words, phrases, and statements; draw generalizations; and analyze voice and method. The ACT science test measures the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem- solving skills required in the natural sciences. Scientific information is conveyed in one of three formats: data representation, research summaries, or conflicting viewpoints.
Questions require recognition and understanding of the basic features of, and concepts related to, the provided information; the critical examination of the relationship between the information provided and the conclusions drawn or hypotheses developed; and the generalization of given information to gain new information, draw conclusions, or make predictions. The optional ACT writing test is an essay test that measures writing skills taught in high school English classes and entry level college composition courses.
The test describes an issue and provides three different perspectives on the issue. Each student must (1) analyze and evaluate the given perspectives, (2) state and develop a perspective on the issue, and (3) explain the relationship between that perspective and those given. Colleges may view student essays using the free ACT Essay View tool. Complete information about the ACT test is available in the technical manual. ACT High School Report. The ACT High School Report provides comprehensive information about a student's needs, interests, background, and abilities.
The report includes the following sections: Identifying Information. Scores and Predictive Data. College Readiness. Information about Colleges.
College Selection Items. Educational and Vocational Plans. Educational Needs and Interests. Interest Inventory Scores and Map Regions. See sample high school reports: See the questions that students answer when they register to take the ACT test: For training on how to use data from the ACT test for advising and curriculum development, see the list of available videos, webinars, and workshops that ACT offers. Electronic Score Reporting.
Data from the ACT High School Report are available in ASCII flat file format, delivered on encrypted CD- ROM for high schools and districts to import into any system set up to receive the data. Records are aggregated and delivered monthly. Full- year reporting is also available. The student record layout is the key to interpreting the file you receive from ACT. It identifies location, field name, and field content for each data element. Documents. 20. 16- 2. Documents. Test Prep.
Help your students do their best on test day ACT offers several ways for students to prepare for test day, including: ACT. ACT Online Prep—The only online program designed exclusively by ACT test development professionals, featuring real questions from previous tests. The Official ACT Prep Guide—An ACT- authorized prep book, with three practice tests, each with an optional writing test, plus access to hundreds of additional questions online. Preparing for the ACT—This free booklet includes helpful test information, a complete practice test, and a sample writing prompt. Sample Test Questions—Practice questions to give you a taste of what to expect on the ACT test. ACT Online Prep Help your students prepare for the ACT.
Benefits of the program for schools and districts include: Ability to monitor performance with the Administrator’s Dashboard—See how long your students are spending in the system, how they’re performing on the practice questions and tests, and the areas in which a whole class may need targeted help. There will be no surprises on test day for your students. Order. Purchase ACT Online Prep annual licenses for students in your school or district.
Discounts are available for GEAR UP organizations and schools with more than 5. The administrator can then upload students, assign instructors, and create classrooms. Pricing and Order Form (PDF)Sign In. Are you a school or district already using ACT Online Prep? ACT Essay View High schools may use ACT Essay View to access images of the essays written in response to the ACT writing test. Order Registration Materials ACT provides a variety of materials you can use to help your students learn about, register, and prepare for the test. School- Paid Registration Options.
Does your school or organization pay for students to take the ACT test? The following information describes two available options for completing this process. Option 1: Prebilled Registration Voucher.
Option 2: Paper Registration Packet Schools request vouchers from ACT by submitting an order form. Schools request paper registration packets from ACT by submitting an order form. Convenient Delivery. Vouchers are emailed to the school contact within 1- 3 business days.
Azar. Grammar. com » Classroom Materials. Why I am not a fan of the Communicative Approach: Commenting on David Barker's Teacher Talk post, The Shapal Method, a reader asks David Barker why he is not a fan of the Communicative Approach. We love David's response. Video Lessons: Understanding Spoken English with Linking with Vowels: Linking can make American English sound very fast.
This lesson on linking with vowels will explain why the speech sounds so fast. Can/Can't: In American English, . They are not pronounced the way they are written. This lesson will help you better understand .