A lot has been made about the productivity benefits of the four day workweek—either in the form of. The travel agency also brought in up to $2,0. Report Good and Bad Feedback.
Compiling a list of things that went well will show your employer how serious you’re taking the opportunity to work remotely. Outline what went well, how much work you’ve accomplished while working from home, and what you think you or your boss can do to make the experience more productive.
It will give your employer good reason to boost your telecommute time, and show how you’re thinking about ways to enhance the experience. A list of problems that may have arisen during your remote work will also show how you’re working on ways to make telecommuting as frictionless as possible. If you find people asking where you are when you’re working from home, or demanding your in- person attention when you’re out, that may require a solution you and your team can figure out together.