For more information about X. X. 5. 09 Public Key Certificates. For more information about Claims and Authorization in WCF see Managing Claims and Authorization with the Identity Model. For more information about implementing a PKI, see Windows Server 2. R2 - Certificate Services. A certificate contains the public key of the owner, while the owner retains the private key. The public key can be used to encrypt messages sent to the owner of the certificate.
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Only the owner has access to the private key, so only the owner can decrypt those messages. On a Windows domain, a certification authority is included that can be used to issue certificates to computers on the domain.
This is easily done with the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap- in tool. For more information, see. How to: View Certificates with the MMC Snap- in. Two major store locations exist that are further divided into sub- stores. If you are the administrator on a computer, you can view both major stores by using the MMC snap- in tool.
Non- administrators can view only the current user store. This contains the certificates accessed by machine processes, such as ASP. NET. Use this location to store certificates that authenticate the server to clients. Interactive applications typically place certificates here for the computer's current user. If you are creating a client application, this is where you typically place certificates that authenticate a user to a service. The most important of these when programming with WCF include: Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
You can use the certificates in this store to create a chain of certificates, which can be traced back to a certification authority certificate in this store. For this reason, do not place any certificate into this store unless you fully trust the issuer and understand the consequences. This store is used for certificates associated with a user of a computer.
Typically this store is used for certificates issued by one of the certification authority certificates found in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. Alternatively, a certificate found here may be self- issued and trusted by an application. The following general rules apply: If the WCF service is hosted in a Windows service use the local machine store.
Note that administrator privileges are required to install certificates into the local machine store. When creating a service hosted by Internet Information Services (IIS), the ASP. NET process runs under the ASP.
NET account. That account must have access to the store that contains the certificates a service uses. Each of the major stores is protected with a default access list, but the lists can be modified. If you create a separate role to access a store, you must grant that role access permission. To learn how to modify the access list using the Win. Http. Cert. Config. How to: Create Temporary Certificates for Use During Development. For more information about using client certificates with IIS, see How to call a Web service by using a client certificate for authentication in an ASP.
NET Web application. This link is to the CA’s certificate. The CA’s certificate then links to the CA that issued the orginal CA’s certificate. Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12 0 575 Pizzeria here. This process is repeated up until the Root CA’s certificate is reached. The Root CA’s certificate is inherently trusted. You can view any certificate's chain using the MMC snap- in by double- clicking any certificate, then clicking the Certificate Path tab.
For more information about importing certificate chains for a Certification authority, see How to: Specify the Certificate Authority Certificate Chain Used to Verify Signatures. For development purposes only, you can temporarily disable the mechanism that checks the chain of trust for a certificate. To do this, set the Certificate. Validation. Mode property to either Peer. Trust or Peer. Or.
Chain. Trust. Either mode specifies that the certificate can either be self- issued (peer trust) or part of a chain of trust. You can set the property on any of the following classes. The following elements are used to specify the validation mode: Custom Authentication The Certificate.
Validation. Mode property also enables you to customize how certificates are authenticated. By default, the level is set to Chain.
Trust. To use the Custom value, you must also set the Custom. Certificate. Validator. Type attribute to an assembly and type used to validate the certificate.
To create a custom validator, you must inherit from the abstract X5. Certificate. Validator class. For an example of custom authentication, see the X. Certificate Validator sample. For more information, see. Custom Credential and Credential Validation.
You can save the private key to disk and then use it to issue and sign new certificates, thus simulating a hierarchy of chained certificates. The tool is intended for use only as an aid when developing services and should never be used to create certificates for actual deployment. When developing an WCF service, use the following steps to build a chain of trust with Makecert.
Save the private key to the disk. Common questions about certificates are which certificate to use, and why. The answer depends on whether you are programming a client or service.
The following information provides a general guideline and is not an exhaustive answer to these questions. One of the initial checks when a client authenticates a server is to compare the value of the Subject field to the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) used to contact the service: the DNS of both must match.
For example, if the URI of the service is . Most commonly, the initialization is . It is also possible for the Subject field to be blank, in which case the Subject Alternative Name field can contain the DNS Name value. Instead, the Personal store of the current user location typically contains certificates placed there by a root authority, with an intended purpose of . The client can use such a certificate when mutual authentication is required. The validity period is defined by the Valid from and Valid to fields of an X.
During authentication, the certificate is checked to determine whether the certificate is still within the validity period. This can occur for many reasons, such as a compromise of the private key of the certificate.
To find out which certificates are revoked, each issuer publishes a time- and date- stamped certificate revocation list (CRL). The list can be checked using either online revocation or offline revocation by setting the Revocation.
Mode or Default. Revocation. Mode property of the following classes to one of the X5.
Revocation. Mode enumeration values: X5. Client. Certificate. Authentication, X5. Peer. Certificate. Authentication, X5. Service. Certificate.
Authentication, and the Issued. Token. Service. Credential classes. The default value for all properties is Online. You can do this programmatically by using the Set. Certificate method of various classes that represent X.
The following classes use the Set. Certificate method to specify a certificate. For example, the following code creates a Service. Host instance and sets the service certificate used to authenticate the service to clients with the Set. Certificate method.
This means that if you specify that the x. Find. Type is Find. By. Subject. Name or Find.
By. Subject. Distinguished.