MB of RAM available. Anything less than this minimum ram will cause lot of problems since.
RAM. to run properly. Mysql will give you this nasty error . As a starter knowing this one command, It is so easy to install. If you want to experiment with the server and installation it is. I prefer vpslink. Believe it or not it is so easy to install and configure. First download Pu.
TTy. if you are accessing your server through SSH. Just enter the IP of your server.
As you probably know, Webmin. LAMP server and Mail Server. Webmin makes more easier for us to. Before proceeding to install, update the necessary packages with debian with. Installing Apache + PHP Apache is one of the most famous web server which runs on most linux based. With just few commands you can configure apache to run with PHP 4 or. PHP 5. If you want to install PHP 4, just apt- getapt- get install apache.
To install PHP5, just run the following on linux shell. Note that if you dont. PHP5 will be automatically installed. Apache configuration file is located at: /etc/apache. To check whether php is installed and running properly, just create a test. Point your browser to http: //ip.
You can edit necessary values or setup virtual domains using apache configuration. Enabling GD Library with PHPIf you want to use CAPTCHA or for dynamic image generation with php scripts. SPAM or automated robots, then it is absolutely. Here is the commandapt- get install php. Thats it!! Point your browser to http: //domain/test. GD library will be enabled for PNG.
GIF, JPG etc. Enabling Mod Rewrite with . Do you use mod- rewrite from apache to rewrite friendly URLs ?? This must be. absolutely necessary for the rewrite module to get enabled in your apache, especially. URLs in. your site. Note that default apache. Issue the following command# a. Once you run this command, apache will tell you that this rewrite module is.
You can find mod. To fix this. you will need to edit the following file to make some changes. Find the following and change Allow.
Override from None to All< Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes Follow. Sym. Links Multi. Views. Allow. Override All. Order allow,denyallow from all# Uncomment this directive is you want to see apache. Redirect. Match ^/$ /apache. Directory> Upload the . Actually FTP clients do write .
This happened with me using VSFTP. Installing My. SQL Database Server Installing mysql database server is always necessary if you are running a database.
Remember running mysql server to a fair extend requires. How To Install Door Slabs. RAM in your server. So unless you are running database driven. The following commands will install mysql. Note: If you have already installed php.
The configuration file of mysql is located at: /etc/mysql/my. Creating users to use My. SQL and Changing Root Password.
By default mysql creates user as root and runs with no passport. You might. need to change the root password. To change Root Passwordmysql> USE mysql; mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new- password') WHERE user='root'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; To Create User.
You must never use root password, so you might need to create. PHP script. Alternatively you can. My. Admin to easily create or assign database permission. We will install Webmin and phpmyadmin. LAMP installation.
Php. My. Admin Installation. Php. My. Admin is a nice web based database management and administration software. Managing databases. All you need to do is: apt- get install phpmyadmin. The phpmyadmin configuration file is located at: /etc/phpmyadmin. To setup under apache all you need to do is include the following line. Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.
Now restart apache: /etc/init. Point your browser to: http: //domain/phpmyadmin.
Thats it!! My. SQL and php. My. Admin is Ready !!! Login with your mysql root password. Mail Server Installation. Postfix (Mail Transfer Agent MTA)Dovecot (IMAP/POP3 Server)SASL Authentication with TLS (Authenticate before sending mail outside network. Outlook)Squirrel Mail (Popular Web based Email)As a beginner to linux it took about almost a month for me for proper installation.
I had real nightmares to configure. Note: If you install Postfix/Dovecot mail server you will. ONLY be able to send mail within your network. You can only send mail externally. SASL authentication with TLS. As otherwise you get nasty .
Install Postfix MTA (Mail Transfer Agent)First install postfix package along with sasl with apt- getapt- get install postfix postfix- tls libsasl. During installation, postfix will ask for few questions like name of. Internet. site for postfix. Postfix configuration file is located at: /etc/postfix/main.
Install Dovecot. Dovecot is one of the popular POP3/IMAP server which needs MTA like Postfix. Double check the following entries in the file if the values.
You will need to insert the values if not specified or left. If you dont uncomment and change disable. DO NOT LOGIN WITH ROOT ACCESS. Restart Dovecot: /etc/init. Now, you can use your outlook express to test whether your new mail server. Just enter username: < user. If you attempt. to send email you get nasty .
However, you should have no problems in receiving your email from outlook. Configure SASL Authentication with TLSSASL Configuration + TLS (Simple authentication security layer with transport. If your relay server is kept open, then.
It is very essential to protect. Let us set up SMTP authentication for our users with postfix and dovecot. Edit the postfix configuration file /etc/postfix/main. In this case we specify an absolute pathname. Refer to this postfix. Edit /etc/dovecot/dovecot.
Look for the line that starts with auth default. Configure. a user with a user name < user. If you dont enable My server requires authentication. Do not use root login to login to your mail server.
Dont forget to create a new user before you authenticate. Forwarding Mails. Ever wondered how to forward your mails especially if you are a webmaster managing.
You might need to forward any email sent to your primary email. Its that easy. Just create a .
Just Delete. . forward file if you dont want any forwarding. Installing Squirrel Web Mail Squirrel mail is one of the most popular web based email with very friendly. Squirrel mail works without mysql database very easy to install and. Note: It is recommended to have apache and php installed. By default all settings are preloaded. Edit apache configuration.
Include /etc/squirrelmail/apache. Thats it. Your webmail is ready !!! Point your browser to: http: //yourdomain/squirrelmail. Create a separate local user and login as a new user. DO NOT LOGIN AS ROOT AND YOU WILL GET . Webmin - Server Control Panel. Webmin is a nice server control panel available free of charge.
It is similar. like cpanel or plesk to manage your server. Download. the latest version of webmin from the main sitewget http: //downloadpath/webmin- x. The installation program will ask series of questions and most values will. Once done, point your browser to: http: //ip. Login into your webmin and you can do almost anything with your server. Webalizer Installation. Webalizer is a visitor statistics software shows you nice graphic based on.
It is indeed very easy to configure. Webalizer runs as a daily cron job to monitor.
Now edit the webalizer configuration file located at: /etc/webalizer.