Excel Vba Paste From Windows Clipboard


How to Copy Paste Tab Delimited Text Into Excel. Excel can typically automatically detect text that is separated by tabs (tab-delimited) and properly paste the data. In this post you will learn how to write VBA code to automate copy and pasting an Excel table range into a new Word document. The article should provide a good.

I have an Excel workbook, which using VBA code that opens another workbook, copies some data into the original, then closes the second workbook. When I close the.

Here's a demonstration of how to move text to and from the Clipboard. In Java, there are actually two kinds of Clipboard - system and local. Clear Windows Clipboard This completely clears the contents of Windows Clipboard for all applications.

Excel keyboard shortcuts and function keys for Windows. This article describes keyboard shortcuts, function keys, and some other common shortcut keys for Excel 2. This includes the access keys that you can use for ribbon commands. For Excel Online, see Keyboard shortcuts in Excel Online.

Tips: To keep this reference available when you work, you may want to print this topic. To print this topic, press CTRL+P. To see an online workbook with this information, check out our spreadsheet on Docs. This workbook lets you scroll, sort, and filter for any key combination. And, you can also download it.

Get these keyboard shortcuts in a Word document at this link: Excel 2. Windows keyboard shortcuts. Frequently used shortcuts.

If you're new to the Ribbon, the information in this section can help you understand the Ribbon's keyboard shortcut model. The Ribbon comes with new shortcuts, called Key Tips, which you can make appear when you press the Alt key. The Ribbon groups related commands on tabs. For example, on the Home tab, the Number group includes the Number Format command.

This table lists the most frequently used shortcuts in Excel 2. To do this. Press. Close a spreadsheet. Ctrl+WOpen a spreadsheet. Ctrl+OGo to the Home tab. Alt+HSave a spreadsheet. Ctrl+SCopy. Ctrl+CPaste.

Ctrl+VUndo. Ctrl+ZRemove cell contents. Delete key. Choose a fill color. Alt+H, HCut. Ctrl+XGo to Insert tab.

Alt+NBold. Ctrl+BCenter align cell contents. Alt+H, A, then CGo to Page Layout tab. Alt+PGo to Data tab. Alt+AGo to View tab. Alt+WOpen context menu.

Shift+F1. 0, or. Context key. Add borders. Alt+H, BDelete column. Alt+H,D, then CGo to Formula tab. Alt+MHide the selected rows. Ctrl+9. Hide the selected columns.

Ctrl+0. Top of Page. Ribbon keyboard shortcuts If you're new to the ribbon, the information in this section can help you understand the ribbon's keyboard shortcut model.

When you press the Alt key, letters appear in small images, called Key. Tips, next to tabs and commands on the ribbon, as shown in the following image. You can combine these letters with Alt to make shortcuts called Access Keys for ribbon commands. For example, Alt+H opens the Home tab, and Alt+Q goes to the Tell me box. Press Alt again to see Key.

Tips for the commands on any tab. Access keys for ribbon tabs. To go directly to a tab on the ribbon, press one of the following access keys: To do this. Press. Open the Tell me box on the Ribbon and type a search term for assistance or Help content. Alt+Q, and then enter the search term. Open the File page and use Backstage view.

Alt+FOpen the Home tab and format text and numbers and use the Find tool. Alt+HOpen the Insert tab and insert Pivot. Tables, charts, add- ins, Sparklines, pictures, shapes, headers, or text boxes. Alt+NOpen the Page Layout tab and work with themes, page setup, scale, and alignment. Alt+POpen the Formulas tab and insert, trace, and customize functions and calculations. Alt+MOpen the Data tab and connect to, sort, filter, analyze, and work with data.

Alt+AOpen the Review tab and check spelling, add comments, and protect sheets and workbooks. Alt+ROpen the View tab and preview page breaks and layouts, show and hide gridlines and headings, set zoom magnification, manage windows and panes, and view macros.

Alt+WTop of Page. Work in the ribbon with the keyboard To do this. Press. Select the active tab of the ribbon, and activate the access keys.

Alt or F1. 0. To move to a different tab, use access keys or the arrow keys. Move the focus to commands on the ribbon. Tab or Shift+Tab. Move down, up, left, or right, respectively, among the items on the Ribbon. The Down Arrow, Up Arrow, Left Arrow, or Right Arrow key.

Activate a selected button. Spacebar or Enter. Open the list for a selected command.

The Down Arrow key. Open the menu for a selected button. Alt+Down Arrow. When a menu or submenu is open, move to the next command. Down Arrow key. Expand or collapse the ribbon.

Ctrl+F1. Open a context menu. Shift+F1. 0Or, on a Windows keyboard. Context key (between the right Alt and right Ctrl keys)Move to the submenu when a main menu is open or selected. Left Arrow key. Top of Page. Excel keyboard shortcut reference.

Navigate in cells: keyboard shortcuts. To do this. Press. Move to the previous cell in a worksheet or the previous option in a dialog box. Shift+Tab. Move one cell up in a worksheet. Up Arrow key. Move one cell down in a worksheet.

Down Arrow key. Move one cell left in a worksheet. Left Arrow key. Move one cell right in a worksheet.

Right Arrow key. Move to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet. Ctrl+arrow key. Enter End mode, move to the next nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell, and turn off End mode. If the cells are blank, move to the last cell in the row or column. End, arrow key. Move to the last cell on a worksheet, to the lowest used row of the rightmost used column. Ctrl+End. Extend the selection of cells to the last used cell on the worksheet (lower- right corner).

Ctrl+Shift+End. Move to the cell in the upper- left corner of the window when Scroll Lock is turned on. Home+Scroll Lock. Move to the beginning of a worksheet. Ctrl+Home. Move one screen down in a worksheet. Page Down. Move to the next sheet in a workbook. Ctrl+Page Down. Move one screen to the right in a worksheet.

Alt+Page Down. Move one screen up in a worksheet. Page Up. Move one screen to the left in a worksheet. Alt+Page Up. Move to the previous sheet in a workbook.

Ctrl+Page Up. Move one cell to the right in a worksheet. Or, in a protected worksheet, move between unlocked cells. Tab. Top of Page. Format in cells: keyboard shortcuts. To do this. Press.

Open the Format Cells dialog box. Ctrl+1. Format fonts in the Format Cells dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+F or Ctrl+Shift+PEdit the active cell and put the insertion point at the end of its contents. Or, if editing is turned off for the cell, move the insertion point into the formula bar. If editing a formula, toggle Point mode off or on so you can use arrow keys to create a reference. F2. Add or edit a cell comment. Shift+F2. Open the Insert dialog to insert blank cells.

Ctrl+Shift+Plus (+)Open the Delete dialog box to delete selected cells. Ctrl+Minus (- )Enter the current time. Ctrl+Shift+colon (: )Enter the current date.

Ctrl+semi- colon (; )Switch between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet. Ctrl+grave accent (`)Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar. Ctrl+apostrophe (')Move the selected cells.

Ctrl+XCopy the selected cells. Ctrl+CPaste content at the insertion point, replacing any selection. Ctrl+VOpen the Paste Special dialog box. Ctrl+Alt+VItalicize text or remove italic formatting.

Ctrl+I or Ctrl+3. Bold text or remove bold formatting. Ctrl+B or Ctrl+2. Underline text or remove underline.

Ctrl+U or Ctrl+4. Apply or remove strikethrough formatting. Ctrl+5. Switch between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects. Ctrl+6. Apply an outline border to the selected cells. Ctrl+Shift+ampersand (& )Remove the outline border from the selected cells. Ctrl+Shift+underline (. Press again to turn off.

Turn extend mode on and use the arrow keys to extend a selection. Press again to turn off. F8. Add a non- adjacent cell or range to a selection of cells by using the arrow keys. Shift+F8. Start a new line in the same cell.

Alt+Enter. Fill the selected cell range with the current entry. Ctrl+Enter. Complete a cell entry and select the cell above.

Shift+Enter. Select an entire column in a worksheet. Ctrl+Spacebar. Select an entire row in a worksheet. Shift+Spacebar. Select all objects on a worksheet when an object is selected.

Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar. Extend the selection of cells to the beginning of the worksheet. Ctrl+Shift+Home. Select the current region if the worksheet contains data. Press a second time to select the current region and its summary rows. Press a third time to select the entire worksheet.

Ctrl+A or Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar. Select the current region around the active cell or select an entire Pivot.

Windows Clipboard. Using The Clipboard In VBAThis page describes functions for working with text values and the Windows Clipboard. VBA does not support the.

To use the Data. Object. Microsoft Forms 2. Object Library. To add a reference to your VBA project, go to the Tools menu. VBA editor and choose the References item. In the dialog that appears, scroll down.

Commonly used references are listed at the top. When you find. the reference required by the code, check the checkbox next to the reference title and then click OK. The first step is to put the text in a. Data. Object variable and then instru ct the Data.

Object. to put that text in the clipboard. For example, the code below puts the string Hello World in the. Windows clipboard.

Getting text out of the. Data. Object takes to steps.

The first step is to instruct the Data. Object. to get the text from the clipboard. The second step is to get the text out of the Data. Object into. the String variable. For example. Dim Data. Obj As New MSForms.

Data. Object. Dim S As String. Data. Obj. Get. From. Clipboard. S = Data. Obj. Get. Text. Debug.

Print S. The Windows clipboard stores at most 1 data element for each format. That is, the clipboard can store simultaneously. HTML, and so on. If you store data of a type that already exists in the clipboard. While the clipboard can store only one text string.

This is a Integer, Long, or. String value used to identify a new or existing clipboard format. By using different format. For example, the code below places two text strings.

For example. Dim B As Boolean. B = Data. Obj. Get. Format(. Or to completely clear the clipboard, use code like. If you are going to use this code within an. This. Workbook, a Sheet module, a User. Form module, or a Class module), change.

Public to Private. If Format. ID is specified. The. string can then be put in the clipboard and pasted into a range of worksheet cells. The format of the. Value. 1 vb. Tab Value.

Tab Value. 3 vb. New. Line. Value. 4 vb. Tab Value. 5 vb. Tab Value. New. Line. Value. Tab Value. 8 vb. Tab Value. Array. To. Clipboard.

String. Public Function Array. To. Clipboard. String(Arr As Variant) As String. This function takes an array (either 1 or 2 dimensions) and creates a string. The string is formated. Arr(1,1) vb. Tab Arr(1,2) vb. How To Hack The N Game. Tab Arr(1,3) vb. New.

Line. Arr(2,1) vb. Tab Arr(2,2) vb. Tab Arr(2,3) vb. New. Line. Arr(3,1) vb. Tab Arr(3,2) vb. Tab Arr(3,3).

The module also contains two support functions, Arr. Num. Dimensions, which returns the. Is. Array. Allocated, which returns. True or False indicating whether a variable references an.