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Dragon - Wikipedia. Dragon. Grouping. Mythology. Sub grouping. Mythological hybrids.
Similar creatures. Sirrush, Basilisk, Cockatrice, Wyvern, Qilin, Sea serpent. Mythology. Worldwide. Habitat. Mountains, seas, skies.
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A dragon is a legendary creature, typically scaled or fire- spewing and with serpentine, reptilian or avian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures around world. The two most well- known cultural traditions of dragon are. The European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Balkans and Western Asian mythologies.
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Most are depicted as reptilian creatures with animal- level intelligence, and are uniquely six- limbed (four legs and a separate set of wings). The Chinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan (namely the Japanese dragon), Korea and other East Asian and South Asian countries. The English word dragon and Latin word draco derive from Greek. The Greek and Latin term referred to any great serpent, not necessarily mythological, and this usage was also current in English up to the 1. Morphology. A dragon is a mythological representation of a reptile. In antiquity, dragons were mostly envisaged as serpents.
Since the Middle Ages, however, it has become common to depict dragons with legs, resembling a lizard. Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard- type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths.
The European dragon has bat- like wings growing from its back. A dragon- like creature with wings but only a single pair of legs is known as a wyvern. There is a modern tendency to depict dragons with back legs only and using their wings (walking on the carpal joints) as front legs, as it is thought that pterosaurs did. An example is Smaug as depicted in the film version of The Hobbit by Tolkien. Comparative mythology. The association of the serpent with a monstrous opponent overcome by a heroic deity has its roots in the mythology of the Ancient Near East, including Canaanite (Hebrew, Ugaritic), Hittite and Mesopotamian.
Humbaba, the fire- breathing dragon- fanged beast first described in the Epic of Gilgamesh, is sometimes described as a dragon with Gilgamesh playing the part of dragon- slayer. Examples include Indra, who, according to the Rigveda, slew the serpent Vritra, Zeus, who, according to Hesiod's Theogony, slew the serpent Typhon, and Thor, who, according to the Eddas, slew the Midgard serpent. Hesiod describes Typhon as having one hundred heads. Vritra too is also described as multi- headed.
Furthermore, in nearly every story, the serpent is always somehow associated with water. The Hydra was said to reside in the swamps of Lerna and the name .
Some dragons are said to breathe fire or to be poisonous, such as in the Old English poem Beowulf. They are commonly portrayed as serpentine or reptilian, hatching from eggs and possessing typically scaly or feathered bodies. They are sometimes portrayed as hoarding treasure. Some myths portray them with a row of dorsal spines. European dragons are more often winged, while Chinese dragons resemble large snakes. Dragons can have a variable number of legs: none, two, four, or more when it comes to early European literature. Dragons are often held to have major spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world.
In many Asian cultures, dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature, religion, and the universe. They are associated with wisdom—often said to be wiser than humans—and longevity. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernatural power, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. In some cultures, they are also said to be capable of human speech.
In some traditions dragons are said to have taught humans to talk. This topos can be traced to the Chaoskampf of the mythology of the Ancient Near East (e. Yam, Marduk vs. Tiamat, Teshub vs. Illuyanka, etc.; the Biblical Leviathan presumably reflects a corresponding opponent of an early version of Yahweh). The motif is continued in Greek Apollo, and the early Christian narratives about Michael the Archangel and Saint George. The slaying of Vrtra by Indra in the Rigveda also belongs in this category. The theme survives into medieval legend and folklore, with dragon slayers such as Beowulf, Sigurd, Tristan, Margaret the Virgin, Heinrich von Winkelried, Dobrynya Nikitich, Skuba Dratewka/Krakus.
In the Bible, the archetype is alluded to in the descendants of Adam crushing the head of the Serpent, and in Christian mythology, this was interpreted as corresponding to Christ as the Last Adam crushing the Devil. The blood of a slain dragon is depicted as either beneficent or as poisonous in medieval legend and literary fiction. How To Put Ds Games On Acekard 2I Download. In German legend, dragon blood has the power to render invincible skin or armor bathed in it, as is the case with Siegfried's skin or Ortnit's armor. In the Slavic myth, the Earth refuses it as being so vile that Mother Earth wishes not to have it within her womb, and it remains above ground for all eternity. The blood of the dragon in Beowulf has acidic qualities, allowing it to seep through iron.
Heinrich von Winkelried dies after the blood of the dragon slain by him accidentally drips on him. Cartography. There is a widespread belief that earlier cartographers used the Latin phrase hic sunt dracones, i. However, the only known use of this exact phrase is in the Latin form .
The 1. 53. 9 Carta Marina map of Scandinavia has many monsters in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea, as well as a winged, bipedal, predatory land animal resembling a dragon in northern Lapland. Animals that may have inspired dragons. It has been speculated that accounts of spitting cobras may be the origin of the myths of fire- breathing dragons.
Such wayward crocodiles may have inspired dragon myths. Many ancient cultures, from China and India to Greece, America, and Australia, told tales of dragons, monsters, and giant heroes.. Jones suggests a hypothesis that humans just like monkeys have inherited instinctive reactions to snakes, large cats and birds of prey. Dragons have features that are combinations of these three. An instinctive fear for these three would explain why dragons with similar features occur in stories from independent cultures on all continents.
In Slovenia, Johann Weikhard von Valvasor compiled folk stories on the Olm, a subterranean salamander, in The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola. It is mentioned as a baby dragon.
Heavy rains of Slovenia would wash the olms up from their subterranean habitat, giving rise to the folk belief that great dragons lived beneath the Earth's crust, and the olms were the undeveloped offspring of these mythical beasts. Dragons are generally depicted as living in rivers or having an underground lair or cave. 3D Kitchen Design Software From Archi Cad To 3Ds Max. Banners of the Late Roman Empire frequently figured Dragons, possibly due to the fact that Marcus Aurelius took over 8,0. Sarmatian soldiers into the Roman army, for whom the Dragon was a part of their military insignia.
The double- headed dragon banner thus came to represent the division between Western and Eastern Roman Empires. It has been suggested that the Welsh legendary name Pendragon came from the word . Pagan sacred sites and springs, supposedly associated with Dragons, were often later associated with churches of Saint Michael or Saint George. The Lusignan family of nobility in France is said to have descended from the union of a count with the Lady Melusine, who married him on condition that he did not spy on her bathing. The count violated her privacy, whereupon she changed into a dragon and flew away never to be seen again. The city of Ljubljana has adopted dragons as a symbol as a result of the dynastic connection of its former ruling family with the Lusignan family of Melusine.
Southern Europe. Greek dragon. In ancient Greece, the first mention of a . The Loeb Classical Library translation (by F. C. Conybeare) mentions (III,7) that .