Desktop Icons Keep Moving Windows 8

- Desktop icons keep rearranging win 8.1 or windows 10? How to keep desktop icons from moving on windows 8.1 or windows 10? Windows 8.1 auto arrange icons on desktop?
- I just updated from windows 8 to 8.1 when the update finally took and finished rebooting my icons were rearranged. Now my desktop icons are locked and I can’t.
- Comment for any questions. Watch my other videos. Check this also. How to put icons on the start page :-http://www.
- This article shows how to configure Windows to stop moving icons on the desktop.
Th problem occurs when Windows 1. Desktop and the user- defined folder view settings. If you put icons on Desktop in a certain order in Windows 1. Windows 1. 0 forgets the icons position and always puts the icons at the extreme left corner of the screen. Same thing happens with folder view settings. When a user changes a folder view to thumbnails, list, large icons, etc and closes Windows Explorer and then re- opens the same folder again, Windows 1. Its a very irritating situation.
Windows saves the desktop icon layout when the user logs off, and the setting is read during logon. Recently I came across a case where the desktop icons rearrange to.
Save and restore the positions of the Windows Desktop Icons. DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for user that have to change the screen resolution often. Windows desktop icons can sometimes move around for reasons that aren't immediately obvious, but it can be. Desktop Restore. One of my favorite programs to use for restoring a desktop full of icons is Desktop Restore by Jamie O'Connell. It works with Windows 98, ME, XP, NT.
Windows 1. 0 never stores the Desktop icons placement order and folder view settings in Windows Explorer. Sometimes this problem might be related to the popular antivirus company ESET products.
Almost all users who are facing this problem in Windows 1. ESET NOD3. 2 antivirus or ESET Smart Security suite in their Windows 1. This problem occurs due to the faulty Cleaner module present in ESET products. Actually whenever ESET detects some malicious item in a computer, the older version of its Cleaner module changes an important key value in Registry during the cleaning process which causes this annoying problem in Windows 1. ESET has confirmed this issue and has released a testing update which fixes the Cleaner module functionality to solve this problem in Windows 1. But the update has not been released to stable channel. You'll need to change the update server to pre- release in ESET settings to download and install the new testing update.
It may take some time for ESET to release the same update to stable channel. In the meantime, if you are using Windows 1. Arshia): 1. Press WIN+R keys together to launch RUN dialog box. Now type regedit in RUN and press Enter.
It'll open Registry Editor. Now go to following keys one by one: HKEY. In right- side pane, check the value of (Default) string in both keys. It should be set to following: %System. Root%\system. 32\windows. If the value is set to %System. Root%\Sys. Wow. 64\shell.
Default) to %System. Root%\system. 32\windows. The above mentioned Registry keys are protected and to change the value of (Default), you'll need to first take ownership of In. Proc. Server. 32 key in both locations.
You can take ownership of the keys with the help of following guide. After taking ownership, double- click on (Default) string and change its value to %System. Root%\system. 32\windows.
Close Registry Editor and restart your computer to take effects. Now Windows 1. 0 will always remember Desktop icons position and folder view settings. NOTE: If you don't want to modify Registry yourself, you can download following ready- made Registry script to do the task automatically: Registry Script to Fix Desktop Icons Position Problem in Windows 1.
After downloading the ZIP file, extract it and run the . REG file to fix the problem.
But first you'll need to manually take ownership of the Registry key as mentioned in above tutorial. The Registry script can only change values in Registry Editor. It can't take ownership of keys. PS: If you don't have ESET products installed in your computer but still facing this problem in Windows 1. How to Fix Annoying Folder View Type Change Problem in Windows.
Desktop Icon Save and Restore. Copyright . Usage.
After installation, three new items are. Save Desktop. Custom Save and Restore.
Unmatched icons are caused by icons being. Save Desktop. operation. Be sure to toggle it back afterward. To use this application you should not. Auto- arrange set in the desktop menu, . Gta Iv 2008 Pc Iso Tool here. Notes. The application is named dkticnsr.
Windows System Shell. Ext folder. The registry key used for. January 2. 00. 8 . All. rights reserved.